Most smokers consider themselves addicted to nicotine. It is true that nicotine causes a short term release of dopamine which makes you feel good. In much the same way that when you dig your fingernails into your flesh and then you stop doing it, feels good.
But there is another part of your mind that is far more involved in keeping you smoking. It is your unconscious mind. This is the place where all of your reasons and excuses for smoking are locked in place.
Every time you try to quit the flood gates are open and these thoughts fill your conscious mind with negative beliefs about quitting. For most people this makes quitting almost impossible.
This is why just wanting to quit is not nearly enough. The problem lies in your unconscious and so does the solution.
The problem with discussing things like the conscious and unconscious minds is that they are not places that you can locate on a map of the brain. But none the less they are clearly understood as being real things with real jobs to do in our lives.
Hypnosis is the fastest way to influence the unconscious mind, and if that doesn't happen then quitting will be a short term thing at best.
It's like chaining up a vicious dog with a weak chain and hope it will remained restrained, but you know that it's only a matter of time before it gets free and runs amok.
Hypnosis overcomes your natural barriers which can both harm you and protect you. Some equate the unconscious mind with the hard drive in a computer. The reality is that your mind is much more powerful and complicated than any computer, but the interesting thing is that influencing your unconscious mind is very simple if done right.
After all you are unconsciously being influenced by marketers every day to get you to buy what they want you to.
In hypnosis we just gently slide past the barriers and with carefully crafted suggestions your old connections to smoking and your triggers just gently fall away. In their place are new strong convictions that will keep you on the side of being a non-smoker.
Your new life will be simple, just breathe fresh air, let your body heal itself cell by cell and this process will begin straight away and within a year your body will have gotten over your old habit and reconstructed itself.
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