Monday, March 2, 2009

Online Tax Services

With all the time and effort it takes the average person to prepare and submit their annual tax return (in the US), there has to be a better way! Now there is - Tax Brain. If you've never used an online tax service, it's time you tried it! Your part is still to keep good records all year. But then you can simply answer a series of questions using Tax Brain's online tax service to pull it all together and complete your returns for you.

And they can do their magic for federal AND state tax returns. So you don't have to expend a lot of time and effort like you used to. No more taking your shoe box of tax receipts to your tax service or making that appointment with your CPA. Tax Brain is fast, easy and as simple as you can make it (given the US Tax Code!). You get your taxes in the mail faster so you can receive the largest and fastest refund available.

Check out Tax Brain. It's so easy you won't believe it.

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